Rewriting Our Future - A Mind Control Exodus
Rewriting Our Future - A Mind Control Exodus
Rewriting Our Future #028 | Swapcast! | Propaganda, Alt Media, and Travel w/Me on Inner Awakening with Anita Toi

Rewriting Our Future #028 | Swapcast! | Propaganda, Alt Media, and Travel w/Me on Inner Awakening with Anita Toi

Anita invites me on to share what inspires me to create content, my awakening to social engineering, how travel is a top choice for personal development, and more.

Thanks Anita!

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Rewriting Our Future - A Mind Control Exodus
Rewriting Our Future - A Mind Control Exodus
It turns out that I was wrong about almost everything, and that is exactly the way the social engineers programmed me. Here I do the work to exit this mind control and rewrite the future so I can attempt a life based on true sovereignty and free will.